My cat keeps going through my trash

Alright, so I decided to make a game about my cat.
She keeps going through the trash, she is starting to stink, it's a real problem.

Anyways, I'm making a game loosely based on that problem.

To be honest just playing around in a room with just the trashcan and the cat is already fun.
So I thought why not add some buttons and doors to spice things up.

Now I have some 'gameplay' going, which I'm stocked to explore!

I also added slopes because I wanted slopes.

Added room transition since I though the lack of space would be important to the gameplay.

The way I achieved it in Godot was using ReferenceRect to define boundaries of the rooms and then use a script to restrict the camera based on them.

Also shout out to Godot Animation Player, what a beast of a tool.
I enjoy adding juice with it, I made the animation for the trashcan when the cat enters.

I also made the cat attack/dash and it was super dope, but the movement of the cat become too powerful.

I think the point of the game should be to make both the cat and the trashcan movement limited where they balance each other.
The trashcan will provide mobility and the cat will be all about speed.
So I scrapped the attack! 

My goals is to release this game for free before march ends, I got 6 days..

Anyways, bye!

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